Saturday, June 2, 2012

Raspberry Pis have arrived

Just writing to say that my RaspberryPi from Farnell and the one from RS Component have arrived yesterday.

I'm playing with them a little, doing some experiments, and actually they seems quite good, expecially for the price. The official Debian GN/Linux distro runs fast and without troubles. Actually, I'm trying to prepare a Kubuntu version for the RaspberryPi, but it will take some time, I think, to make it work smoothly.

If you want to give a look at them, you will find all the pictures in my gallery:


  1. Thanks for the unpacking photos. I just placed my order a few days ago through but it's still backordered until Mid-August. Hopefully production speeds up and I get it sooner. I'll probably use the official distro at first too until I get more familiar with it and find a need to use a different OS.

  2. The official Debian GN/Linux distro runs fast and without troubles.
